Our studio at Shoreline is an opportunity for us to do the work that we love in the heart of our local community.
Yoga helps us feel better: stronger, calmer, more in control of our lives and less ruffled by life. It is an opportunity transform ourselves; using the tools of reflection, attention, focus and action. Rather that conforming to the ideals of others or sticking to our habits, we delve into ourselves and work to take control of ourselves and our actions.
The careful, rigorous work with postures and techniques, with breath and mind, is permeated with respect for others.
For us, Yoga has been a thread that has stitched our lives together. It ties together the other interests in our lives.
We live together in Portobello with our two children.

Al came to Iyengar Yoga in his early thirties after more than a decade of skiing, climbing, mountaineering.
Having hobbled into his first Iyengar Yoga class, he became hooked on the alignment, precision and depth of focus that this method supports.
Al has a dynamic teaching style, encouraging students to develop strength, focus and stamina.
Alasdair's practice is informed by interest in our ethical relationship with the land and nature.

Cynthia Colt
Iyengar Yoga
Cynthia came to yoga in her twenties with an interest in how philosophy can touch and transform our lives: how we understand ourselves and interact with other, to become better.
Yoga is a tool for self help. As you twist yourself around and turn yourself upside down, you see things differently.
Diverse areas of study inform her practice: she is an Iyengar Yoga teacher, has a PgDip in Anatomical Sciences and a Ma (Hons) in Philosophy.
Alasdair Reid
Iyengar Yoga